Online Store Regulations

§ 1

Preliminary Provisions

  1. The online store Parus Dance Wear, available at, is operated by PARUS AGENCY LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, headquartered at Mieczysława Pożaryskiego Street 10, 04-703 Warsaw, registered in the National Court Register by the DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CAPITAL CITY OF WARSAW, XIV COMMERCIAL DIVISION OF THE NATIONAL COURT REGISTER, under the KRS number 0001066852, NIP (Tax ID): 9522248005, REGON: 526834778.
  2. These Regulations are addressed to both Consumers and Entrepreneurs using the Store. They define the rules of using the online store and the terms and conditions for concluding Distance Sales Agreements with Customers via the Store.
  3. The administrator of personal data processed in the Online Store in connection with the implementation of the provisions of these Regulations is the Seller. Personal data is processed for purposes, for a duration, and based on grounds and rules specified in the privacy policy published on the Online Store website. The privacy policy primarily details the rules for processing personal data by the Administrator in the Online Store, including the bases, purposes, and duration of data processing, as well as the rights of individuals whose data is being processed. The use of the Online Store, including making purchases, is voluntary. Similarly, providing personal data by the Online Store User or Customer is voluntary, with exceptions related to the conclusion of an agreement or statutory obligations of the Seller.

§ 2

Information Obligation

This document includes:
a. Provisions fulfilling the information obligations under the Consumer Rights Act,
b. Provisions regarding registration and the creation of a customer account,
c. Provisions concerning the order submission process,
d. Provisions regarding delivery and payment,
e. Provisions related to returns and complaints,
f. Provisions about providing services electronically.

§ 3


  1. Consumer – A natural person concluding an agreement with the Seller within the Store framework, not directly related to their business or professional activity.
  2. Seller – The online store Parus Dance Wear, available at, operated by PARUS AGENCY LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, headquartered at Mieczysława Pożaryskiego Street 10, 04-703 Warsaw, KRS number 0001066852, NIP 9522248005, REGON 526834778.
  3. Customer – Any entity making purchases via the Store.
  4. Entrepreneur – A natural person, legal entity, or organizational unit without legal personality granted legal capacity by separate legislation, conducting business on their own behalf, using the Store.
  5. Store – The online store operated by the Seller at
  6. Distance Agreement – An agreement concluded with a Customer within an organized system of concluding agreements at a distance (within the Store), without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties, using one or more means of remote communication until the moment of conclusion of the agreement inclusive.
  7. Regulations – These regulations of the Store.
  8. Order – The Customer’s declaration of intent aimed directly at concluding a Sales Agreement for a Product with the Seller and fulfilling an obligation to the Customer under the terms specified in these Regulations.
  9. Account – An Electronic Service, marked with an individual name (login) and password provided by the Service User, a set of resources in the Service Provider’s ICT system, where data provided by the Service User and information about their Orders in the online Store are stored.
  10. Reviews – An Electronic Service available in the Online Store, allowing Users to add reviews and ratings regarding Products and concluded Sales Agreements.
  11. Electronic Service – A service provided electronically by the Service Provider to the Service User via the Online Store.

§ 4

Contacting the Store

  1. Seller’s address: Mieczysława Pożaryskiego Street 10, 04-703 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Seller’s email address:
  3. Seller’s phone number: +48 508 413 066
  4. Seller’s bank account number: PL 31 1090 1753 0000 0001 5605 9440
  5. The Customer can contact the Seller using the addresses and phone numbers provided in this section.

§ 5

Personal Data in the Online Store

  1. The administrator of Customers' personal data collected via the Online Store is the Seller.
  2. Customers’ personal data is collected for the purpose of executing the Sales Agreement, and if the Customer consents, also for marketing purposes.
  3. The recipients of Customers’ personal data may include:
    a. In the case of a Customer using postal or courier delivery, the administrator shares the collected data with the selected carrier or intermediary tasked with the delivery.
    b. In the case of electronic or card payments, the administrator shares the collected data with the entity handling these payments.
  4. The Customer has the right to access, correct, or delete their data.
  5. Providing personal data is voluntary but necessary to conclude a Sales Agreement.

§ 6

Technical Requirements for Using the Store

To use the Store, including browsing the Store’s assortment and placing orders for Products, the following are required:
a. A computer, laptop, or other multimedia device with Internet access.
b. Access to email.
c. An updated web browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Google Chrome, Safari, or Microsoft Edge.
d. A minimum screen resolution of 1024×768.
e. Enabled cookies and JavaScript in the browser.

§ 7

General Information

  1. The Seller, to the fullest extent permitted by law, is not responsible for disruptions, including interruptions to the Store’s operations caused by force majeure, unauthorized actions of third parties, or incompatibility of the Online Store with the Customer's technical infrastructure.
  2. Browsing the Store’s assortment does not require creating an Account. Placing orders for Products from the Store is possible by providing the necessary personal and address details to process the Order.
  3. Prices displayed in the Store are in Polish złoty (PLN) and include VAT.
  4. The total price of the Product, including taxes, is provided to the Customer during the Order submission process, including the moment of expressing their will to be bound by the Sales Agreement.

§ 8

Terms of Use for the Store

  1. The Customer is obliged to use the Store’s website in a manner consistent with the Regulations, applicable laws, societal norms, Internet etiquette, and good practices.
  2. The Customer must particularly:
    a. Refrain from activities that could interfere with the Store’s functionality or hinder its use by other Customers.
    b. Provide accurate personal data.
    c. Avoid infringing the privacy of other Customers.
    d. Not use the Store to send unsolicited commercial information.
    e. Update contact details as necessary.
    f. Refrain from actions that could harm the reputation of the Store or its partners.

§ 9

Electronically Provided Services

  1. The Seller provides free electronic services via the Online Store, including:
    a. Browsing information available in the Online Store.
    b. Managing an Account in the Online Store.
    c. Accessing interactive forms for submitting Orders.
    d. Providing a Newsletter service.
    e. Offering an interactive contact form.
    f. Allowing Customers to leave reviews and opinions.

  2. Services listed are available 24/7.

  3. Agreements for electronic services:
    a. Browsing information is provided until the Customer closes the Store website.
    b. Maintaining an Account is provided until the Customer requests its deletion.
    c. Submitting Orders is provided until the Order is completed.
    d. Newsletter subscriptions last until the Customer unsubscribes.

§ 10

Information About Price Reductions

  1. When providing information about price reductions, the Seller is obligated to display the lowest price of the Product during the 30 days prior to the reduction.
  2. This obligation applies to direct sellers, price communications, percentage discounts, and specific promotional phrases like "Black Friday discounts."

§ 11

Providing Sources for Product Opinions and Recommendations

  1. The Seller ensures that published opinions and recommendations come from consumers who have actually used or purchased the product.
  2. Practices considered unfair include:
    a. Paying for fake reviews or commissioning others to write false opinions to promote products.
    b. Claiming that reviews were provided by consumers who used or purchased the product, without taking reasonable and proportionate steps to verify their authenticity.
  3. Adding opinions is possible after completing the following steps:
    a. Navigating to the reviews section of a selected product.
    b. Entering the Customer's email address, review content, and a rating for the product.
    c. Clicking the "Add Review" button. Only customers who purchased the product can leave reviews.

§ 12

Order Submission Process

To place an order:

  1. Accept the Store's regulations.
  2. Select the Product and add it to the cart.
  3. Complete the Order Form by providing recipient details such as name, email address, and delivery address.
  4. Confirm the order by clicking the link sent via email.
  5. Select one of the available payment methods and complete payment within the specified timeframe.

§ 13

Payment and Delivery Methods

  1. Payment methods:
    a. Bank transfer.
    b. PayU.
    c. Online payment platforms.
    d. Woocommerce.
  2. Delivery options:
    a. Parcel lockers.
    b. Personal collection after prepayment.
  3. Detailed payment information is available on the Store’s website.

§ 14

Execution of the Sales Agreement

  1. The Sales Agreement between the Customer and Seller is concluded once the Order is placed online or via the Order Form.
  2. The Seller confirms receipt of the Order and begins processing it immediately, notifying the Customer via email.
  3. Customers must make payments within 7 days of placing an Order; failure to do so will result in cancellation.
  4. Orders are dispatched within 7 days after payment is received, unless otherwise specified.
  5. For orders containing multiple Products with varying availability times, the Customer may choose to receive them in parts or as a single delivery once all Products are ready.

§ 15

Right to Withdraw from the Agreement

  1. Consumers have the right to withdraw from a distance agreement within 14 days of receiving the Product, without providing a reason.
  2. Exceptions to this right include agreements for:
    a. Services fully performed with the consumer’s prior consent.
    b. Non-prefabricated goods tailored to the consumer’s specifications.
    c. Perishable goods or items with a short shelf life.
    d. Sealed items that cannot be returned once opened for health or hygiene reasons.
    e. Digital content not supplied on a tangible medium if performance has begun with the consumer’s consent.
  3. Withdrawal requires a declaration sent electronically or by post within the statutory 14-day period.

§ 16

Complaint About Product Non-Conformity

  1. The Seller is obligated to provide Products in compliance with the agreement.
  2. Consumers can request repair or replacement of non-conforming Products. If these remedies are not feasible or disproportionately burdensome, the Consumer may opt for a price reduction or terminate the agreement.
  3. Complaints can be submitted via email or post, with the disputed Product and proof of purchase included.
  4. Complaints are resolved within 14 days.

§ 17

Complaints Regarding Electronic Services

  1. Complaints related to the operation of the Online Store can be submitted via email or post.
  2. Customers must provide their name, contact details, and a description of the issue.
  3. The Seller resolves complaints within 14 days.

§ 18

Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution

  1. Consumers may use alternative dispute resolution mechanisms such as:
    a. Arbitration courts.
    b. Mediation conducted by regional consumer protection offices.
    c. Free legal assistance from consumer organizations.
  2. Details are available at:

§ 19

Final Provisions

  1. Agreements made via the Online Store are concluded in Polish.
  2. The Seller reserves the right to amend the Regulations for important reasons such as legal changes or modifications to payment and delivery methods. Customers will be informed at least 7 days before changes take effect.
  3. Applicable law includes the Civil Code, the Act on Consumer Rights, and the Act on the Provision of Electronic Services.
  4. Customers may use the EU ODR platform for resolving disputes: